#PowerOf11 | South Bronx United's annual fundraising and awareness campaign
June 1 - 11, 2025
The #PowerOf11 is...
11 student-athletes working together on the soccer field supported by their coaches, mentors, and tutors.
11 stories highlighting our young people, programs, services, staff, and volunteers.
11 days to raise $250,000 to level the playing field.
Follow along:
Subscribe to the #PowerOf11 Podcast to hear more!
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How can you be a part of the #PowerOf11?
1. Share the stories of our youth and their families.
2. Contribute to South Bronx United youth and community programs.
- Consider donating MONTHLY to become #PowerOf11 sustaining supporter!
3. Sign-up as a Team Captain and commit to asking at least 11 people to donate on your personal campaign page.
- Share your SBU story and start raising funds.
Sign up or email Katelan at katelan.newman@southbronxunited.org for more information.
* Winning Team Captains must have at least 11 donors. Board of Directors not eligible.